Novel Critique Partner and Writing Friend Meetup!


Novel Boot Camp is only a week away! Before we all get absorbed in the excitement and chaos, let’s make some writing friends and snag some critique partners!

**Note: This meetup does not end at any specific time. Feel free to post here throughout Novel Boot Camp!**

Writing Friend: Someone to chat with about writing and publishing. Someone to give you a nudge (or a shove) when you fall behind on your goals. Someone to laugh and cry with you about your writing ups and downs.

Critique Partner: Someone to exchange full or partial manuscripts with in order to offer critiques of each other’s work. Must be polite, courteous, constructive, but also honest.

There are two ways to connect:

Twitter Meetup

Tweet your request for writing friends or critique partners to Twitter and tag it with: #NovelBootCamp

Sample Tweet: Looking for a critique partner. A YA writer would be great! Writing friends always welcome! I need a good shove during !

Blog Comment Meetup

Post your request for writing friends or critique partners in the comments section below. Remember to provide some way for other writers to contact you (Twitter handle, email address, Facebook link, etc.).

Sample Blog Comment: I’m not ready for a critique partner just yet, but writing friends would be awesome! I like to read fantasy and suspense. My goal is to get an agent by next summer. I love knitting, dancing, and reading! Please contact me at [email address] or [Twitter handle].

ETA: Facebook Meetup!

If you prefer to connect on Facebook, there is now a Facebook Novel Boot Camp group!

Meetup Rules & Advice

In your request for a critique partner or writing friend, you may want to include:

  • Whether you’re looking for a writing friend, critique partner, or both.
  • Whether you need a gentle hand or some tough nudges to get you going!
  • What genres you’re interested in reading/writing/critiquing.
  • How long you’ve been writing.
  • Some non-writing things about you, such as what you do for fun.

A Few Rules

  • The meetup has no official end time. Feel free to post even after the excitement has died down.
  • You do not have to participate in Novel Boot Camp to participate in this meetup.
  • Do not be rude, attacking, or insulting in your posts. Keep it clean. I will delete you if I feel it will strengthen the experience for other writers.
  • Do not post advertisements for your products (books, ebooks) or services (editing, proofreading, cover design, etc.). NO spam! This includes “veiled” spam, such as conveniently mentioning your products/services.
  • Do not post looking for a critique partner if you do not intend to reciprocate with your own critique.
  • Have fun!

Make Friends with Me!

I don’t have time for critique partners (way too much editing to get done!), but I love making writing friends! The best place to connect with me is on Twitter where I post writing tips, editing advice, and updates about my videos, blog posts, workshops, etc. I also answer writing and editing questions when I can.

When not editing (which is almost never), I love geocaching, watching movies, reading, and eating tacos.


Please share this post so that everyone has the opportunity to make new friends and find critique partners!

171 thoughts on “Novel Critique Partner and Writing Friend Meetup!

  1. Emily Elizabeth says:

    Hi I’m Emily,

    I am looking for writing friends and to hopefully also find someone compatible as a critique partner! I love read pretty much any genre of fiction: YA, adult, fantasy, contemporary, historical, romance, sci-fi, paranormal. I just love to be immersed in all these different worlds and to ‘live a thousand lives’. I mostly write YA, and that is what I am currently working on at the moment, but I hope to one day evolve into other genres too.

    My goal is quite small for now. I want finish writing a full first draft of a novel and hopefully then also go back and revise and polish it up to a standard I am happy with, even if it doesn’t get published. I am also taking part in CampNaNoWriMo this month aiming for 35,000 words, so hopefully that will put me on a good track towards my goal.

    My email is and my twitter that I have set up especially for this month is @EmilyElizaxo and I would love to follow everyone else getting involved

    I can’t wait to get started!

  2. westfalen45 says:

    Hello writers. I am 10,000 words into a story of historical fiction – if that is the “correct” way to describe my first novel – set in World War II. Fictional characters finding each other and true love(?) in a time of war. It’s my first attempt and I would like to exchange reviews, tips and/or commentary on several scenes/chapters with anyone writing in a somewhat similar timeframe and setting. You may email me at

  3. Kim says:

    My name is Kim and I’m looking for writing buddies and a CP. I’m almost done with my first draft, it’s a genre mash, humorous mystery with a pinch of romance. Between work and kids I need a push every now and again. I love all genres and books and will read about anything I can get my hands on. So excited about this! Email or twitter @kddmsr.

    • Frank l p says:

      Hi Kim!
      I am Frank, I finished many short stories and novels too, but I live in the country and I haven’t had Internet access until just recently. So I just broke out of my self-imposed jail and starting to communicate with other writer. I like to send you one of my short story and I like to read one of your chapter to see how we feel about each other, if you are interested.
      Thank you, Frank L. P.

  4. Tracey-anne McCartney says:

    Hi everyone! Great to be here I don’t have time to critique anyone’s work right now, but it would be great to connect with other writers. I am a Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance writer-New Adult. I have completed my first manuscript, and at present working on the fifth draft. Please feel free to connect with me on facebook: Traceyannemccartney or twitter @jasmoonbutterfl My email:
    Lovely to meet you all, and a big thank you, Ellen

  5. Eric Yeager says:

    Hello! I’m looking for both a writing friend and critique partner. I’ve been working on my story for a few weeks, and I’ve been writing steadily for the past month. I write YA fantasy, and would love to critique fantasy stories of any age group. I would also be interested in horror, mystery, or any combination of those three! I’m looking for honest critiques, as harsh or gentle as you feel necessary. If interested, leave a comment, or feel free to email me!

  6. bjrjames says:

    Hi! Am I the only one here who doesn’t write YA paranormal fantasy stories? My real writing life consists of Women’s Lit with a Southern flavor, not necessarily romance, but some. I have a group of short stories to be published on CreateSpace soon, if I can figure out the formatting for Kindle. (I want to simultaneously publish Print on Demand.) Hope they survive the last re-edit I’m putting them through.

    What I read does not reflect my writing generally. I like to read Stephen King, Dean Koontz, mysteries, thrillers, some sci/fi, etc. I started a sci/fi story for Write About Dragons last year, but stopped when I was told, more than once, that I don’t know enough science to write realistically about it. (My grandchildren loved it when I told them about it, so I may let them help write more and bring it back as MG when they visit in August. My ten-year-old granddaughter fancies herself a writer.)

    I am a member of an online critique group, members of which are wonderful at critiques. No ‘very nice’ rubber stamps there. Truth tellers all. I also joined a local writers’ group in which we turn in up to ten pages each week, members take them home, critique, and bring them back the following week with insightful comments. Both groups have helped me tremendously.

    I would like very much to have a couple of dedicated beta readers, not just critiquers, and I will return the favor. It’s my understanding that a beta reader reads a final (or almost final) draft looking for discrepancies (if her eyes were blue, why are they green now,) grammar, punctuation, or whatever the author needs to have evaluated. Personally, I would like to have a printed copy, but I know that’s not always practical, printing and postage are prohibitive. I have Microsoft word, most all versions (have Windows 7 and 8) and will do my best to beta read on computer, if you can. If anyone is interested, please contact me at:

    • jthttk says:

      No, you’re not the only one. There are a variety of other genre’s around.
      My WIP is a post-apocalyptic tale and as I live in Texas, has a nice southern flavor.
      I’ll email you from

  7. sandibowie says:

    Hi I’m Sandi. I have a novel for children that I am polishing, and a fantasy aimed just below YA that I am in the middle of plotting. I attend a local fortnightly writers group – which I’ve found extremely helpful.
    As said by someone before, there is only so far you can go with family and friends – so I would love to find a critique partner – in return I’m happy to read/critique on children, YA, Fantasy & Crime.

    • Eric Yeager says:

      Hi Sandi! I write YA fantasy and would love to have you as a critique partner. Let me know if you’re interested.

  8. Justine Winans says:

    Hello, everyone!

    I’m Justine and I am looking for a critique partner who writes in any genre of YA. I have two YA contemporary thrillers that I would love to get criticism on, although I am looking to experiment with other YA subgenres in the future.

    I review YA novels for a blog as well as write them, but should have plenty of time to critique by line, and don’t mind if you send me emails at three in the morning to vent or share news (although I probably won’t respond until I wake up.)

    I would love to build a lasting relationship with one or two other writers.

    If you would be interested in hearing more about my work or receiving a writing sample to see if we would be a good match, please email me at justinewinans[at]gmail[dot]com.


  9. nickcarcano says:


    I’m looking for a critique partner for a series of historical/horror/occult/sci-fi short stories that I’m putting together for a “Weird War Two” collection. I’d prefer not totally brutal feedback and likewise, I like to help writers get to where they want to go rather than being devastating. I’m open to almost anything, but will probably be most helpful for sci-fi, fantasy, historical, and horror, since those are the genres I’m most familiar with. Feel free to contact me at


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